Dear Students, Please send us your feedback, Your feedback is valuable to us, it will help us to improve the quality of the college.
The information provided by you will be kept confidential.
* is indicated for all mandatory fields.
Name of the Student * :
Gender * : MaleFemale
Contact No. * :
Email ID * :
Course * : B.Com.M.Com.B.C.A.B.B.A.B.A.B.B.Com.B.Sc.(CBZ)B.Sc.(PCM)M.Sc.BotanyZoologyChemistryPhysicsMathsElectronicsM.A.SociologyPolitical scienceHistoryEconomicsMarathiEnglish
Class * : First YearSecond YearThird Year
Academic Year * : [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]1. The office staff in the college is cooperative and helpful: SatisfactoryGoodAverageUnsatisfactory
2. The library staff is cooperative and helpful: SatisfactoryGoodAverageUnsatisfactory
3. Online educational resources are available and accessible in the library: SatisfactoryGoodAverageUnsatisfactory
4. Internet facility provided in the Library is satisfactory: SatisfactoryGoodAverageUnsatisfactory
5. The prescribed books/reading materials are available in the library: SatisfactoryGoodAverageUnsatisfactory[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"]6. Does the syllabus reflect core knowledge of the subject? YesNo
7. Whether the syllabus is effective in developing independent thinking? YesNo
8. Does the syllabus have applicability to a real-life situation? YesNo
9. Does the syllabus reflect learning values? (Knowledge, Conceptual understanding, analytical abilities, logical thinking) YesNo
10. Is the syllabus effective cover difficulty level of the subject? YesNo
[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Step 3"]
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