Research Projects, Consultancies And Grants Received

Faculty: Science And Technology
Department: Botany
Project/Scheme Title Funding Agency Grant Received Duration Principal Investigator/Coordinator
College Science Improvement Programme (COSIP)

University Grant

Commission (UGC)

Shri L. B. Sianis
Biomass Production Department of Science and Teachnology (DST) Shri V. M. Kalpande
Banana Tissue Culture at Anand Niketan College of Agriculture, Warora. DAE –BRNS Rs. 10,000/- 2006 Dr. M. C. Kale
Extended technical consultancy in forest conservation related activities. Nagpur based NGO named SHODH Rs. 10,000/ 2005 Dr. M. C. Kale
Extended technical consultancy in conservation of forest and medicinal plants. Nagpur based NGO named ROLE Rs. 10,000/ 2009 Dr. M. C. Kale
Career Orientation Program in Plant Tissue Culture

University Grant

Commission (UGC)

Rs. 7,00,000/- 2008-2011 Mr. S. D. Petkar
Digitized Inventorization of Medicinal Plant Resources of Maharashtra State Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission (RGSTC), Govt. of Maharashtra Rs. 23,40,710/- 2009-2012 Dr. M. C. Kale
Breeding for high yield and disease resistance in Chilli-Capsicum annum L., by induced mutations DAE-BRNS, Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC),             Mumbai Rs. 24,61,300/- 2015-2018 Dr. M. C. Kale
Scouting and Documentation of Traditional Knowledge and Grassroots innovation from Warora, Chimur and Bhadrawati tehsils of Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. National innovation foundation–India (NIF), Gandhinagar, Gujrat Rs. 1,50000/- 2018-2019 Dr. P. J. Wagh
Investigations on Vegetative Propagation Potential of a potent Medicinal Plant, Cissus quadrangularis L. A Minor Research Project sponsored by Innovation, Incubation and Linkage Cell, Gondwana University Gadchiroli. Maharashtra Under the Scheme ‘SANSHODHAN’ governed by Innovation, Incubation and Linkages Cell, Gondwana University Gadchiroli Rs. 1,05000/- 2023-25 Dr. P. J. Wagh

Study of feasibility of High-

Density Plantation Method

(Miyawaki method) in Vidarbha


Science and Technology

Resource Centre

Gondwana University

Gadchiroli (M.S.)

Rs. 90,000/- June, 2022 – November, 2022 Mr. C. A. Warade
Department: Zoology
Study on the spider diversity and its correlation with plant diversity in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra

University Grant

Commission (UGC)

Rs. 3,17,000/- 2011 – 2014


Dr. M. C. Kale


Designing of Cost Effective

Water Filter for Rural Area


Innovation, Incubation and

Linkages under the aegis of Board of Research (BOR) Gondwana University Gadchiroli




Department: Physics

Study of Thermodynamics Properties of Some binary Liquid mixtures Using Maplesim


University Grant

Commission (UGC)

158000/- 2012-2014 Dr. M. S. Deshpande
Study of Thermodynamics Properties of Some Organic Liquid mixtures Using Pulse Echo Techniques.

University Grant

Commission (UGC)

275000/- 2016-2018 Dr. A.A.Mistry
Faculty: Humanities
Department: English
Ecological and Environmental Concerns in the Novels of Margaret Atwood’

University Grant

Commission (UGC)

2,00,000 Feb-2015-2017 Prof.A.N.Barde