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Principal Desk

Dr. M. C. Kale,
Anand Niketan College, since inception in 1964, is imparting quality as well as value-based education to the socio-economically & physically challenged students of the region. The students are made to realize the basic aim of education, to be a perfect human being-the vision & mission of Baba Amte, Founder Secretary, Maharogi Sewa Samiti, Warora, Anandwan & it was achieved along with the unhindered support & encouragement of Sadhanatai, embodiment of love & compassion. Our college stood witness to all those highly motivated noble qualities & gesture. The students are well exposed to several social, economic, political, scientific & inspirational activities within the institution.
The college is stretching forth the horizon in every sphere it undertakes with fragrance of charity. Realizing the path treated, Dr. Vikasbhau Amte, Chief Functionary, Secretary MSS, equally committed to the vision & mission of Baba, aptly & subtly woven pristine & pure environment & education- the two most indispensible fabrics of the society, is & will always be a source of inspiration to all of us. The college owes its state of the art development to our Assistant Secretary Dr. Prakashbhau Amte, Dr. Sheetal Amte Karajgi, CEO, Anandwan and Mr. Gautam Karajgi, Operational Head, Anandwan, beacons of hope for the younger generation. The signature behind our tradition of excellence is their dynamic leadership, dedication & devotion to high ideals, indomitable courage & sense of sacrifice.
In our pursuit to improve the teaching & learning process various student centric academic activities are carried out. Software with courses for language lab has been installed. A separate language lab facility has been created, where students are motivated & trained to become conversant in English language. This will certainly helps to improve English language of rural students. Every class room has been provided with facility to use LCD projector. The faculty members use ICT in their regular teaching. The students are also encouraged to participate in various debates & elocution competition on burning social, political & economical issues organized in the college as well as in different colleges of various universities.
Nurturing the rich legacy of good results and a value system, our dominating feat is also, as has been, at par excellence every year. For the advancement of academic domain, eminent scholars are invited to deliver guest-lecturers for the students to make them aware of the recent developments in their respective subjects. Field tours and study tours are organized to facilitate the students to adapt the modern trends in various arenas and provide them an opportunity to interact with eminent persons in various institutes of National and International repute.
All these events are designed to improve the overall skills of the students in order to equip them with the abilities required for making them employable and it enable them to pursue higher education.
Value education is an important aspect of students’ development and in this respect guest-lectures on birth anniversary of great personalities, freedom fighters, social reformers etc. are organized. Students are also motivated to deliver short talks on the life and works of such personalities. Activities of social relevance like tree plantation drive, Vriksha Dindi, Swacha Bharat Abhiyan, addiction-vices, AIDS awareness etc. are undertaken to make the students and the society at large, realize the social and moral responsibilities.
MOU is signed with Ramdeo Baba College of Engineering, Nagpur to address the burning issues concerned with farmers, villagers, social, environmental & other basic issues like safe drinking water facility, sewage disposal, etc. Such problems will be taken up by the students and low cost solutions with the aid of technological innovations by engineering students will be sought to resolve the issues. In the long run, such public-people participation will not only enable to solve the burning basic problems of the rural populace, but will also find new job opportunities for the rural youths.
Our institution takes utmost pride in promoting research & extension activities. Students are encouraged to participate in research festivals entitled as ‘Avishkar’ & Avahan respectively. The teachers also take deep & keen interest in research. I take pride in mentioning that many minor research projects and three major project have been completed.
Many a faculty members are invited to deliver guest-lectures as a resource person by various colleges. There are nine registered Ph. D. supervisors and many research students pursuing their doctoral research under the able guidance of these supervisors.
The college has a well equipped gymnasium, play-ground and other sports facilities. New game Drop Row Ball has been introduced and our team won the district and state level tournaments. Students actively participate in kho-kho, kabaddi, volley ball, cricket, atheletics, boxing, malkhamb and rope malkhamb events and many are University colour holders. The students of junior college participated in district and division level tournaments and brought laurels. The NCC and NSS boys and girls participated in various camps, regular drills and programs like blood donation camp, yoga camp, Swach Bharat Abhiyan etc.
The college is equally blessed with competent, dedicated, modest teaching & non-teaching staff. They whole heartedly put sincere efforts and cooperate with the students in all the activities of the college.
Such a contingent of experts conjoined with humane approach and attitude, put together with full-fledged infrastructure, ornamented with well kept rich library, well equipped sports department with state-of-the-art gymnasium, pragmatic research activities all these beads of gem woven together with the blessings of Anandwan – make our college a unique place for learning, research and overall development of the students.
It is worth mentioning here that due to the coordinated efforts of all these stalwarts and the dedicated college staff, the institution has been accredited by NAAC with B++ grade(2.81 score).